As a technology-driven business, we leverage advanced algorithms, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to provide real-time news insights and social media analytics. Our services enable businesses, marketers, journalists, and researchers to understand, navigate, and harness the power of the digital landscape effectively.

One of the sources of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) is online news, carried out based on the choice of the main media in each region for monitoring the world based on the USA & North America, South America, West Europe, East Europe, Africa, Middle East, Asia Pacific and South region, East Asia amount 7000 online media. Source of local Indonesian print media with the top 100 media.
For each social media, the following data types are:
1. Twitter
- Post : tweet, retweet, and quoted
- Comment : reply
2. Facebook
- Post : notes, status, photos, links, videos, events, music and albums
- Comments : comments
3. Instagram
- Post: image, video, and carousel
- Comment: comments and threads
4. YouTube
- Post: video
- Comments : comments
5. TikTok
- Post: post, image, video
- Comments : comments
News Dashboard
The application provides aspects of information that can be usedby organizations in managing analyzes related to certain issues.Analysis is usually carried out in conjunction with similar activities investigation by an organization regarding a particular issue.
Exploration of an organization's catalog as a result of Named technology Entity Recognition (NER) by Artificial Intelligence (AI),sorted alphabetically, popularity, and development latest. This catalog provides a detailed information database regarding organizations related news, statements, media reporting, issues, and connections with other organizations or someone else (Graph News)
Social Media Dasboard
Exploration of social media data to see how the public perceives us. by Artificial Intelligence (AI), sorted alphabetically, popularity and recent views. Data can be presented through the process of data crawling, extraction and visualization. Pulse has targeted accounts that can analyze social media accounts in detail and systematically.
Displays data movements based on time frames, performs sentiment and emotion analysis, displays accounts that frequently play on social media, scoring issues from each account that can be monitored on the screen, and can also compare sub-topics from various sectors.
Having sentiment analysis in the application framework is important. Sentiment analysis will help organizations quickly find out public perceptions of certain issues and thus organizations can also take action or respond to these perceptions quickly. This becomes significant when the perception that develops in the public is a negative perception (crisis condition).
Apart from searching and mapping public perceptions, organizations can also trace a person's sentiment patterns. This will be an initial guide for organizations to further investigate the person and their background.
In addition to knowing a person's sentiment patterns, organizations too can trace the track record of such sentiments in any application can also create clusters of sentiment types, namely positive, neutral, and negative.
Having emotion analysis in the application framework is important. Emotional analysis will help in quickly knowing the public's perception of a particular issue and thus also being able to take action or respond to that perception quickly. This becomes significant when the perception that develops in the public is a negative perception (crisis condition)..
People who frequently make statements in the mass media have the potential to become the most influential people (influencers) for the public because their opinions are always exposed to the media. By exposing their opinions to the public, they slowly shape public sentiment towards certain issues.
Media Share Analysis is useful for organizations to track and map the media that reports on our organization. In the era of democracy, the media has the freedom to inform the public on any issue. There are also mass media institutions that are not neutral in carrying out their journalistic duties.
Scoring analysis which is able to see various kinds of interactions which can be displayed in the form of data metrics. Starting from the original post to see the speed of interaction received by a post from the time the post was posted by the social media account.
Scoring analysis also has a snapshoot to see interactions based on the time range used to see the entire data displayed.
Regional Expose: displays the distribution of areas most frequently discussed by the audience. Media Location is used to display the distribution of online media based on the editorial address.Audience Location: displays the regional distribution of the number of audiences who make posts and comments.
Social network analysis (SNA) is the process of investigating social structure through the use of network and graph theory. It characterizes the structure of a network in terms of the nodes (individual actors, people, or things in the network) and the ties, edges, or links (relationships or interactions) that connect them. Examples of social structures that are usually visualized through social network analysis include social media networks, meme distribution, information circulation, friendship and acquaintance networks, peer learning networks, business networks, knowledge networks, difficult work relationships, collaboration graphs, kinship relationships, disease transmission. , and sexual relations. These networks are often visualized through sociograms where nodes are represented as points and ties are represented as lines. This visualization provides a means to qualitatively assess networks by varying the visual representation of nodes and edges to reflect desired attributes.